About the Academy

None of the employees of any of the sponsors associated with the awards votes or has any influence over the results.

The Academy is comprised of over 1000 members, each selected for their expert opinion of the international restaurant scene.

To create the Academy, and give it a fair representation of the global restaurant scene, we divide the world up into 26 geographical regions.

Each region has a chairperson appointed for their knowledge of their part of the restaurant world. These chairs each select a voting panel of 40 (including themselves) – ensuring a balanced selection of chefs, restaurateurs, food/restaurant journalists and well-travelled gourmets. All voters, aside from the Academy Chairs and Vice Chairs, must remain anonymous. A minimum of 25% of the panel is renewed each year.

To read more about how we create the list, please read our Manifesto

The Academy Chairs

The World's 50 Best Restaurants list is compiled from the votes of The World's 50 Best Restaurants Academy. We divide the world into regions, with a chairperson in each region appointed for their knowledge of their part of the restaurant world. These chairs each select a voting panel, who cast a total of over 10,000 votes. Select a region below to view the biography of each regional chairperson.